As of today, I am a published translator!

October 11, 2011 § 4 Comments

Earlier today, the anthology ODD?, edited by Ann and Jeff VanderMeer, was made available in various e-book formats (the print edition is scheduled to be published around May 2012).  One of the stories included was Leopoldo Lugones’ “The Bloat Toad,” translated by yours truly.  This is my first published, professional translation (my translation of Augusto Monterroso’s “Mister Taylor” will appear in late October in the UK when The Weird, also edited by the VanderMeers, is published).  Later this week, likely Thursday evening, I plan on writing a commentary on the story and my perspective of it as a translator.  But for now, I would like to point people to the main announcement of ODD? over at Jeff’s blog, as he has a contest running for a free e-copy, as well as links to the places where you can buy the anthology in various e-formats and e-retailers for the low price of $7.  Even if I weren’t one of the authors/translators published here, I’d still buy a copy for the impressive lineup of the truly odd and not too normal stories and writers.  Further note:  this is only the first volume of a planned biannual series of ODD? anthologies, with volume 2 coming out in May 2012.

And for those who like book trailers, an outstanding book trailer has been put out for ODD? that contains a very catchy theme song:

§ 4 Responses to As of today, I am a published translator!

  • Simon says:

    Congrats! Hopefully it's the start of a fulfilling career in translation of very interesting fiction. I am going to download this book for my Kindle (which is much better to read on than an iphone/ipad or any LED screen by the way, you'd love it).

  • Larry says:

    Thanks! Although I'll disagree with you on the iPad reading issue (I put the e-pub file I received as a contributor on iBooks and it felt more natural to me (I did read much of the anthology with the lights dimmed while my students were watching a documentary Tuesday afternoon).

  • Good on you, Larry! Feels like I've been seeing your name everywhere of late… looks rather like you've landed, sir, and there's not a soul across the blogosphere more deserving of the recognition. Needless to say, I'm really quite excited to read your contribution to ODD?

  • Larry says:

    Thanks, Niall! Seems like a few of us have landed some related gigs these past few months. Sometime in the next two weeks, Weird Fiction Review will open and Paul Smith, the VanderMeers, myself, and a wide variety of guests will be blogging about all things weird. Excited about that.Only real downside is that I have less time for this blog, but that might change with this work uncertainty.

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