Dear –––––––––––––– :

July 6, 2012 § 3 Comments

Dear self-published authors who think that using the term “indie” somehow validates your work,

Dear people who think that “book blogger” makes you stand out and be different from those cold-hearted, “mean” critics,

Dear beloved puissant publisher who thinks that I should be groveling right now,

Dear underappreciated and hard-working publicist/intern who sends unsolicited emails,

Dear reviewers who get too excited by a new release and then complain that they have a “huge TBR pile”,

Dear anonymous commentators on blogs and other review venues who champion the notion that if you know nothing that you must shout that ignorance loudly to the world,

Dear readers of this blog who expect me to write according to their desires and not toward my inclinations,

Dear Abby,

Dear God, this is Margaret,

Deer roaming the fields by day,

Dear whoever thinks I actually have anything important to say anymore,

Dear ––––––––––,

§ 3 Responses to Dear –––––––––––––– :

  • Ben Godby says:

    Dear Larry,I'm not going to lie, "Dear self-published authors who think that using the term "indie" somehow validates your work" made me laugh.Oh, dearie me!-bn

  • Larry says:

    But the rest failed to make you chuckle? :PCouldn't resist poking fun at some of the "hot topics" I've seen linked to in recent days. It's like herpes, these discussions…I just try to apply topical ointment whenever I read them 😉

  • Lol – "Dear reviewers who get too excited by a new release and then complain that they have a huge TBR pile" – love it! Love them all!!!

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